Replacing FreeBSD Base System's BIND with BIND 9

Linh Pham

This article originally appeared in the March 2003 issue of the Dæmon News Online Magazine. This is a cleaned-up version of the article with minor style edits and made it HTML5 compliant; else, the content has not been changed.

When working any network that uses TCP/IP, having host name resolution (typically DNS is really important for applications, but also to reduce the need to remember IP addresses. FreeBSD includes BIND (developed by ISC) to handle DNS services for itself or other hosts. The most version included in the two latest FreeBSD releases (4.7-RELEASE and 5.0-RELEASE) is 8.3.3-RELEASE. Similar to FreeBSD, there are two release branches for BIND: 8.x and 9.x; the 8.x release branch is the most prevelant version (as it is normally included in most UNIX releases, though some are still coming with 4.x!), but it is known for its history of nasty bugs. Although the 9.x release branch may look and feel like the 8.x, but a majority of its code has been rewritten in attempts to not acquire 8.x's (or even 4.x's) legacy of issues. In addition, 9.x includes some additional security features.

In this article, I will cover upgrading the base system's BIND from 8.x to version 9.2.2 (the steps have been tested on FreeBSD 4.6-RELEASE and newer, though it ought to work on 5.0-RELEASE) using Ports as well as building from source, as well as cover some of the changes and new features in BIND 9. I will not be covering how to install and configure BIND 9 in a chroot'd or jailed environment nor setting up BIND 9 to run as an un-priveleged user.

So What Is So Special About BIND 9?

If you are wondering why you should upgrade the version of BIND that came with your FreeBSD install, mostly to a newer release branch, there are quite a few. Below is a list of some of the key reasons along with a brief description of the benefits of the 9.x release branch.

BIND 9.x is a rewrite of the BIND code
As many BIND administrators can attest, BIND 4.x and 8.x have been a source of many security vulnerabilities, mostly ones that could allow an attacker to gain root access to the server. BIND 9.x, though has had its share (though smaller number) of issues, isn't burden by legacy code that could make it even more susceptable to vulnerabilities.
DNS security
With BIND 9.x, you can sign your domain zones as well as sign DNS requests to allow even more strict query and zone access rules.
IPv6 support
Although BIND 8.x servers can host domain zones that contain IPv6 addresses, it could not listen nor respond to queries transported using IPv6. BIND 9.x now be setup to listen to and respond over IPv6-only, IPv4-only, or a combination of IPv4 and IPv6. BIND 9.x also supports some additional IPv6-specific record data.
If you were working in a firewalled or multi-homed environment in which you had to have different DNS responses based on where the request came from, you would have had to setup separate servers to respond to each segment under BIND 8.x. With BIND 9.x, you can setup multiple views and associate access control lists for each one so that one server can respond with different answers for a domain depending on which access control list the request matched. The only drawback with views is that you must setup every domain the server is authoritative for in every view (so it can be a headache if you are an ISP or host a lot of different domains).
Remote control
With BIND 9.x, you can setup a management workstation or server along with your DNS servers to allow remote control using shared keys and using the rndc command. Instead of having to SSH into a DNS server, and send a SIGHUP to the BIND process, you can just use rndc from an authorized system and reload or refresh specific zones or the entire server remotely.
Multi-threaded and support for multiple processors
BIND 9.x now allows you to build BIND with support for multiple threads to take advantage of multiple processors in your system. This can provide a sizable performance increase with busy and well-equipped DNS servers.

I will not be covering all of the new features of BIND 9.x in this article, but you can find out more about the new features and how to work with them in the BIND 9 Administrator Reference Manual or in DNS and BIND, 4th Edition. You can also refer to some of the other BIND 9 resources listed towards the end of this article.

Building and Installing BIND 9

Warning: As with any software installation or upgrade, please make sure that you have a recent backup of not only your BIND configuration and domain zone files, but the base system itself. There is always a chance that BIND 9.x could cause some problems with your system and may have to revert back to the previous version. If you still want to proceed but have some additional form of insurance, do not build/install with the options to replace the base system's BIND.

Via Ports

Before starting the build/install process using Ports, make sure that you have a fairly recent, if not up-to-date, Ports collection. If you need to update your local Ports collection and are not sure how to, please refer to the CVSup section of the FreeBSD Handbook for the necessary instructions.

Installing BIND 9 via Ports is the easiest way to get the software built and installed on your system. By default, the dns/bind9 port (which has recently been updated for 9.2.2-REL instead of its release candidate, 9.2.2rc1) will install the package using the prefix of /usr/local and sticks the configuration directory under /usr/local/etc/namedb, which does not replace the existing BIND under /usr. To do a basic build and install of BIND 9 without replacing the base system's BIND, run the following as root:

	# cd /usr/ports/dns/bind9
	# make all install

Once the build/install process has finished and you want to have it use your existing BIND configuration file, you will need to copy the contents of your /etc/namedb (or the directory where your BIND configuration files are located) into /usr/local/etc/namedb. To start up the newly installed (if you still have the original BIND running, kill that process first) BIND 9, run /usr/local/sbin/named and keep a look out in your syslog for errors that make appear. If you are running a FreeBSD version before 4.3-RELEASE, you will most likely see the following error in your syslog; if so, you can safely ignore it.

	fcntl(8, F_SETFL, 4): Inappropriate ioctl for device

If you get any other errors complaining about domain zone file or configuration errors, you will want to jump down further in this article to see if the problems are known common problems and how to fix them. To have the newly installed BIND be started automatically during the startup process, add the following line into /etc/rc.conf:


To build/install the port and have it replace the base system's install, run the following commands as root:

	# cd /usr/ports/dns/bind9
	# make PORT_REPLACES_BASE_BIND9=yes all install

This will build and install BIND 9 so that it replaces the existing BIND binaries, as well as use the default BIND configuration directory of /etc/namedb. To start up the new BIND (making sure that you stop the current BIND process first), just run the following as root:

	# /usr/sbin/named

Make sure that you take a look at your syslog file to make sure that no warnings or fatal errors occurred. If any domain zone file or BIND configuration file errors occur, jump down further in this article to see if the problems are one of the more common ones.

Via Source Tarball

If you are on the brave side or always liked to build/install software packages on your own, installing BIND 9 using ISC's tarball should be right down your alley. You can download the source tarball for BIND 9.2.2 from ISC's FTP server at You can verify the tarball using ISC's PGP signature for the tarball or using the MD5 checksum for the tarball generated by the FreeBSD dns/bind9 port maintainer.

Once you have downloaded the tarball, uncompress and expand the tarball by running:

	% tar zxf bind-9.2.2.tar.gz ; cd bind-9.2.2/

After expanding the tarball and going into the expanded source directory, you will need to run the configure script along with several flags depending on how you want to build/install BIND 9 or which compile options you would like to have. The following are the bare minimum configure flags that you should provide if you want to install BIND 9 without replacing the base system's BIND:

	% ./configure --prefix=/usr/local --localstatedir=/var --disable-threads \

That will tell the configure script to setup the build to install the binaries under /usr/local and will have the default configuration directory be /usr/local/etc. If you want to change the default configuration directory to be something else, add --sysconfdir=/some/path to the command above.

The bare minimum configure flags required to install BIND 9 over the base system BIND are:

	% ./configure --prefix=/usr --sysconfdir=/etc/namedb --mandir=/usr/share/man \
	  --localstatedir=/var --disable-threads --with-openssl=/usr

If you want to mimic the Ports build, add the following flags to either of the commands above:

	--disable-linux-caps --with-randomdev=/dev/random

In theory, the configure script should automatically detect and set those options, but it may not always be the case. If you want to be on the safe side, you will want to include those flags. I've built BIND 9 myself without those flags and haven't run into any problems under FreeBSD 4.7-PRERELEASE or newer (but not with 5.0, either -CURRENT or -RELEASE). If you are feeling very brave and daring (mostly when running any FreeBSD version prior to 5.0-RELEASE), you can enable multi-threading support by adding --enable-threads to either of the commands above.

After running the configure command with the flags that you need, you are now ready to build and install the files. To do so, run the following as root:

	# make && make install

Once the build and install process has finished, you are now ready to start it up and see if the install works or not. As root, run /usr/local/sbin/named or /sbin/named (depending on where you installed BIND 9, also make sure to stop any running BIND processes first) and keep in eye out on your syslog file to see if any errors or warnings appear.

BIND 9 Configuration

After you've got BIND 9 installed and, hopefully, able to start up, now its time to take a look at your BIND configuration to see if there are any items in your BIND configuration and zone files that BIND 9 may choke on, as well as two of the new features in BIND 9: views and rndc.

BIND 8 to 9 Configuration Changes

In most cases, BIND 9 should be able to use an existing BIND 8.x configuration and domain zone files without too much or any tweaking. Along with the rewrite of the BIND code for BIND 9, BIND 9 also has a more strict configuration and domain zone file parser under its hood; it also means that instead of returning a warning, most configuration errors will cause BIND 9 to abort its startup process or ignore the domain zone completely. One of the most common mistakes that will trip up BIND 9 is how BIND 8 and BIND 9 deals with the SOA record at the beginning of every domain zone file. With BIND 8, the following SOA record would normally be treated as okay and a warning normally isn't issued, but BIND 9 will complain:	IN SOA
			( 1 10800 3600 604800 3600 )

The proper syntax should have the opening parenthesis on the same line as the "IN SOA" statement, rather than on the second line. In order for BIND 9 to load up the zone without any errors, change the SOA record to be:	IN SOA (
			1 10800 3600 604800 3600 )

It is also a good practice to include the zone's TTL before the SOA record by adding the following line at the very beginning of the zone file.

	$TTL 3600

You can substitute 3600 with any value, though a value of 3600 (seconds, or the same as one hour) should be fine unless if you want to keep its TTL low or high for a reason.

Below is a brief list of BIND configuration options that have been removed or its default value changed within the "options" section of the BIND configuration file. The BIND 9 Administrator Reference Manual provides a more in-depth description, default values and which options are no longer used or are ignored in BIND 9.

Configuration Option Default Value
auth-nxdomain yes no
rfc2308-type1 no Not Supported
fetch-glue - Obsoleted
named-xfer - Obsoleted
deallocate-on-exit - Obsoleted
host-statistics - Obsoleted

The most important change between BIND 8 and 9 as noted in the table above is the default value for the "auth-nxdomain" option. This option is a fairly important option if the DNS server acts as a DNS proxy or caching server, and if the server should claim that its negative answer (i.e.: host or domain doesn't exist) is authoritative, even if that isn't the case.

Using Views

As mentioned earlier in this article, BIND 9 brings along a new feature that may help consolidate DNS servers but also provide a form of who gets which answer based on where the request came from. In order for views to be setup in BIND 9, you will need to setup access control lists (or ACLs) and plan out how you want to setup your views.

Setting up ACLs in your BIND configuration file is fairly simple, though you will need to be fairly familiar with using slash notation for defining subnets. A very nice cheat sheet is available online which gives you a list of subnet masks and its corresponding slash notation (not all possible combinations are provided but it should provide you with enough to get you started). To define an ACL in BIND, you would add the following declaration to your BIND configuration file:

	acl "acl-name" { a.b.c.d/slash; [...]; };

Where acl-name is what you want to call the ACL set (the name string supports alphanumeric characters and limited symbols such as a hyphen), a.b.c.d/slash is a subnet in slash notation that you want to associate to the ACL. For example, if you wanted to list the entire network in the ACL, you can either use or 192.168/16. Make sure that you trail the IP address or subnet address with a semi-colon. Below is an example of an ACL that limits access to specific groups of addresses within an internal network:

	acl "netadmins" { 10.1.2/24; 10.1.3/24;; };

Once you have defined your ACLs, now it is time to define the different views in your configuration file. A basic example configuration file with two views defined (one for the internal network and one for everyone else) would look something like:

	acl "corpnet" { 10.1/16; };

	view "internal" {
		match-clients { "corpnet"; };

		zone "" {
			type master;
			file "internal/";

	view "external" {
		match-clients { any; };

		zone "" {
			type master;
			file "external/";

One thing that you might notice are the two different "match-clients" statements for the two views. Only requests that have a source address that matches the "corpnet" ACL would be served by the "internal" view, all other requests (matched by the "any" keyword) would be served by the "external" view. When building your views, keep in mind that BIND handles views in the order that they are defined in the configuration file. That means if the "external" view was defined first, it would catch all requests, leaving the "internal" view unused. The last view should always be treated as a catch-all for any requests that do not match the other views above it. You can also define multiple ACLs for "match-clients" if you wanted to make the ACL declarations any more granular.

The most important requirement when setting up views is that if you define a zone in one view, you must define the zone in all views, even if the zone data for multiple views are the same. That means that if you want to define an internal-only zone (for example: and want to restrict query access to only the "corpnet" ACL, you would need to use the "allow-query" structure in the "external" view and list the "corpnet" ACL within it, as in the example below:

	acl "corpnet" { 10.1/16; };

	view "internal" {
		match-clients { "corpnet"; };

		zone "" {
			type master;
			file "internal/";

		zone "" {
			type master;
			file "internal/";

	view "external" {
		match-clients { any; };

		zone "" {
			type master;
			file "external/";

		zone "" {
			type master;
			file "internal/";
			allow-query { "corpnet"; };

If you forget to include a zone in all views in your BIND configuration file, the following error will be listed in syslog the next time you restart BIND or reload the configuration file:

	Mar  2 11:10:17 foo named[135]: /etc/dns/named.conf:34: when using 'view'
	statements, all zones must be in views

If you are looking at using views on your DNS server and you host a lot of domains, this can easily bloat up and make your BIND configuration file more chaotic, though you can use the include statement and declare your different views as separate files. Using the example above, if we move each "view" section into its own files, say views.internal and views.external, you can shrink down the main configuration file to be:

	acl "corpnet" { 10.1/16; };

	// include internal view
	include "views.internal";

	// include external/catch-all view
	include "views.external";

You may also want to plan your directory structure to accomodate your different views, one way is to create directories under the BIND configuration directory named for the different views and place the appropriate zone files into the corresponding directories. You can have multiple views point to the same zone file.

Setting Up rndc

In BIND 9, you can use rndc to remotely control a BIND 9 DNS server and run some basic operations like reloading the server's configuration or clearing out the server's cache. Instead of using a UNIX account to authenticate the user, rndc uses a shared key authentication system in which both the server and the users would use to gain access. Prior to BIND 9.2, you had to manually generate the key and hack out the configuration files yourself. With the release of BIND 9.2, getting rndc configured and setup in BIND got much easier with the introduction of the rndc-confgen utility, which is included in your BIND 9.2.2 install. By default, running the utility without any options will set the key size to 128-bits, allow only the local system to control the DNS server, and display the configuration file contents back out to the standard output; below is an example of the output:

	# Start of rndc.conf
	key "rndc-key" {
		algorithm hmac-md5;
		secret "nm/mg36TVXZ7/fQSr9tD4g==";

	options {
        	default-key "rndc-key";
		default-port 953;
	# End of rndc.conf

	# Use with the following in named.conf, adjusting the allow list as needed:
	# key "rndc-key" {
	#	algorithm hmac-md5;
	#	secret "nm/mg36TVXZ7/fQSr9tD4g==";
	# };
	# controls {
	#	inet port 953
	#	allow {; } keys { "rndc-key"; };
	# };
	# End of named.conf

You will not want to use the example above for your DNS server, instead you will want to run the utility yourself to generate a different secret as well as change the key's name to be something less generic. Below are the more useful rndc-confgen options that you will want to look at and/or use.

This option will automatically generate the rndc configuration file using the default key size and key file (the default keyfile is called rndc.key and is placed in the BIND 9 configuration directory). It is recommended that you change the key file name and location by using the -c option described below.
-b keysize
This option sets the key size, in bits, that is generated. By default, the key size is 128 bits, though the size can range from 1 to 512 bits. It is recommended that you use a key size of at least 256 bits if you are using this for a public DNS server.
-c keyfile
This option sets the location of the generated rndc configuration file; it defaults to rndc.key and places it under the BIND 9 configuration directory. It is recommended that you set this option to be /path/to/dns/config/rndc.conf so that you don't have to manually rename or move the file later.
-k keyname
Use this option to set the key name that is generated by rndc-confgen to be something different than the default name of "rndc-key". It is highly recommended that you do change the key name, mostly on a DNS server that is on a network that you may not have full knowledge or control over the traffic flowing through it, mostly when you want to open up rndc use to other machines on that network.

You can view the other rndc-confgen options in the rndc-confgen(8) man page.

To generate a usable rndc.conf file under the base system's BIND configuration directory, /etc/namedb, with the key name of "dnsadmin", and with a key size of 256 bits, run the following command as root:

	# rndc-confgen -a -c /etc/namedb/rndc.conf -k dnsadmin -b 256

Although rndc-confgen will create the rndc configuration file, it will not touch your existing BIND configuration file. In order to tell BIND 9 to accept control requests via rndc, you will need to add the following lines to your named.conf file.

	key "keyname" {
		algorithm hmac-md5;
		secret "secret-string";

	controls {
		inet * allow { localhost; } keys { "keyname"; };

Replacing keyname with the key name that you decided on using and secret-string with the secret string in the rndc.conf file that was generated. The "*" within the "controls" section tells BIND that control mechanism to listen to any addresses used by BIND. To allow multiple hosts to control BIND, using the key keyname, just add additional addresses with a trailing semi-colon within the "allow" curly-brackets. You will also want to make sure that you allow port 953/tcp from the remote machines to reach the DNS server. You can the port used by adding "default-port portnum;" to the "options" section of rndc.conf and add "port portnum" after "inet *" in your named.conf file.

On the machines that would use rndc to control the DNS server, you will need to install BIND 9 on those machines and copy over the rndc.conf generated on the server. If there is a firewall in front of the remote machine, make sure that the firewall is set to allow the rndc defined TCP port through, or else the connection will fail. Below is a brief list of the most commonly used rndc control commands:

Tells BIND to reload its configuration file and all of it's domains and zones; use after adding a new zone or after you make changes to the configuration file. Equivalent to sending a SIGHUP signal to the named process.
reload zone [class view]
Use this command to update/reload a single zone or a zone in a specific view.
refresh zone [class view]
Use this command to refresh a zone, or a zone within a view, to update the server's running cache of that zone.
Tells the server to reload its configuration file and only pull in any new zones (omits zones that already have been loaded).
This causes the server to dump the entire contents of its cache into a zone file. The dump file is called named_dump.db and is placed in your BIND configuration directory.
Stops all of the named processes.
flush [view]
Causes the server to clear all of its caches or all of the cached data for a particular view.
Tells the server to write out its statistics (including successful query answers, recursive queries, etc.) into a file called named.stats, which is placed in your BIND configuration directory.

Pairing up rndc with one of its commands above without any other options will run the command using the default server (typically localhost), ports and keys defined in rndc.conf. To use rndc to connect to a different server, run:

	rndc -s server

Replacing server with the server's hostname or IP adress. To use a different port, use the "-p port" option, and to use a different key, use the "-k keyname" option. For more information on the different rndc control commands and run-time options, take a look at the rndc(8) man page.

Final Words

As you can see, BIND 9 brings on many new and useful features to the BIND DNS software package, both on the server and administrative sides. There are many other features, nuances and tricks that aren't covered in this article, though you can find more information in both online and offline form listed at the end of this article.

I hope that you found this article to be informative and gives you the urge to move up to BIND 9. Spread the word around and help wave good-bye to BIND 8!

Resources on BIND 9

Looking for more information on BIND 9 or trying to figure out how something isn't working even after giving the server the mallet treatment? Below are some resources that pertain to BIND and/or BIND 9.

Article copyright © 2003–2010 Linh Pham. All rights reserved. Re-production of portions of this work, or its entirety, requires permission of the copyright holder.